
Friday, August 29, 2014


Ki o Rahi is a ball game traditionally played & was made by the Maori People. The ball is called the “Ki”. The fast sport is compatible to Australian rules, Rugby, Netball & also touch. There are 7 “pou” around the circular bases, The game is played either on a field or a netball court. On the court it has to be tag, or if you're on a field you can tackle.

All round skills between netball, rugby and Aussie rules are really needed. The key skills you need if you are playing tackle is the ability to sidestep, Pass, and really have a powerful arm & good vision. You also have to have good grip onto the ball & you have to be very fit, to be running around the circular base.

When played, to be able to score you have to attempt to throw the ball and hit the rubbish bin or the Te Tupu in the middle.

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