
Friday, June 28, 2013

De Bono's thinking Hat!

Yellow Hat - The things I enjoyed
I enjoyed every single bit of this adventure to complete one Trailer in 1 4 days.

Black Hat - Which things didn't I like.
I didn't like when Miss.King Growled at me! Because I nearly started to cry :'(.

Green Hat - What was something interesting about this week.
One thing that I enjoyed this week was getting to see & act in the trailer. And Hanging out with my friends:)

White Hat - What did I learn.
How to use I movie. Imovie can be so cool when you know how to use it, before when I didn't. I only knew how to use the first I movie. My groups trailer is very interesting.

Blue Hat - What can I do better next time.
Focus alot on my work & try harder to keep concentrate towards my learning in the Literacy Rotation. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Literacy Rotation

For the past week all the Team 5 classes have been doing Literacy Rotation. The Team 5 teachers came up with the most amazing idea & split classes into Literacy groups, I'm in A1 out of all 3 groups. Ms Tito & Miss King are doing some creative are & MTV videos that are presented at the end of the week. The main artist we were focusing on was Michael Jackson & the song that me & my group did last week was smooth criminal we thought that the song was so cool.
    I really liked the song because its a good song to animate & make it was really fun making the movie, because we used I can Animate it was what I think my first time using that application. These past 2 weeks we have been constantly starting school at 8:30. Things have really changed.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


This term we have been running 2k's around the reserve. So far my personal bes is probably 16.00 but I dont think it is. I have really enjoyed the Fun run because It gets me fit & gets me ready for the 5k run we are doing at the end of the term. Us Year 7 & 8's are enjoying the run! Keep up for some more blog posts. 

IM A FINALLIST! (narrative)

Wow. Ive actually made it this far to the cooking competition. I can't describe how hard this will be I hope its not to hard. But I've completed the other task now its time for this task I have to complete it.
I might cook Lasagne on gravy, mmmmm NICE! But I have to cook something to impress the judges. I hope there not to judgemental. Lets all just hope I win.
     Im so under pressure I only go 90 minuets on the clock now its time to plan.The only thing rushing through my head is hurry up SHAYNE! You can do this but another part of my body is saying "NAH
NAH, your'e gonna lose". Nek minute. On with the story, I reckon me & my partner up against the most hardest groups in the competition at this moment. I have to WIN, TODAY not tomorrow.
     The last minute in the cook off. & I have just started plating up my food. 4 judges For plates. So I quickly get a scoop of my Lasagne & lay it carefully on my plate with the gravy on top. 5, 4, 3,2,1.. Bam time felt like it just went like that. "PHEW" Luckily I plated up quickly... Im sweating like a pig...

Rugby League Skills

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For the past 2 weeks we have been learning basic skills on how to play Rugby League. We have been late because we never knew what time our session was, but now we know. I kinda already know how to play league but there were some skills I didn't know. One of the basic moves was the Punt Kick, the postion of the ball haas to be with the tip of the ball facing your foot.
   Another skill we used was the pass. There are two ways to pass the ball, One way is the Spiral pass which obviously looks like a spiral. The other pass we learnt was just a float pass, well we didn't actually learn it we just passed it normally. Keep tuned for my next League Post. :D